Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Nausea=no bueno

I HATE, HATE, HATE feeling nauseous!  I only feel this way in the evenings, especially when I get home from work and do nothing.  If I go work out I feel perfectly fine.  Maybe it's my body trying to tell me to keep working out and not be lazy.  Hopefully it goes away soon.  I can't imagine having it for another 7 months! UGH

Next week I also go in for my NT ultra sound.  Praying that everything goes well.  These things are so scary sometimes!

On a brighter note, I'm already in my twelfth week of pregnancy.  It still doesn't seem real.  Maybe when I start showing more and feel the baby kicking it will.  I'm going to go next week and see if we can see the sex of the baby at Fetal Focus in the mall.  Hopefully they can tell!  I want to start shopping for stuff, especially if it's a girl, which I'm hoping it is.  They're outfits are so much cuter than the boys.  Blake says it's a boy, which I would love too, but girls just have TONS of cuter things!  Of course I don't care what I have, as long as the baby is healthy.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Some Pretty Cool News!

We found out that we're expecting our first baby in November!  The expected due date is Nov. 16th, but it's already been switched like 3 times. Today I'm officially 10 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I've always said that when I was pregnant and had kids that I would be a better blogger so hopefully I will follow through since I have something to write about now.