Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I LOVE Sushi

I absolutely love sushi and since I'm pregnant and I can't get my normal rolls, I've had to settle for different rolls like veggie and other ones.  We went to our fav sushi place called Momo's and I had the Corona Roll and it was soooo yummy!  I think they have the best sushi and we've got to know the owner and she is so nice.  They are always so nice to their customers and know everyone by name.  I can't wait til I can have my regular rolls again. p.s. Can you tell all I ever think about nowadays is food!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Soon to be Father

Since Blake isn't officially a father yet, I still decided to make him dinner.  It came out delicious!  Thanks Ina Garten. I love the foodnetwork and can watch it all day.  I get great ideas that are easy and simple to do and since I'm on break I don't mind cooking more often.  I really haven't been able to celebrate Father's Day since my dad passed away, but my family still gets together in his honor. We love and miss him everyday. 

 We also took the dogs to a park by our house.  They absolutely love any park we take them to, especially Kane. 

Finally Done!

I'm finally done with my masters!!  It was a 3 year program but well worth it.  Took my state test and passed.  Can't wait to start counseling.  It's sad what some kids go through and they have no one to talk to or help them with their problems and I'm glad I can be there to help them with that.
My cap

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I think I'm starting to get cravings.  They're not weird cravings, but when I want something I HAVE to have it!  Lately I've been eating tons of cereal.  I'll wake up at 3:30am to have a bowl.  I don't know why but cucumbers have been another thing I can't stop eating.  Pickles are another fav too.  Blake went shooting with some friends tonight and I'm making him stop at the store and get me some chocolate chip cookies so I can dunk them in milk, lol!  I feel like I'm eating a lot more now.  When I went to my drs. apt she said I'm finally starting to gain some weight. I only gained 2 pounds in my first trimester and now I'm up to 7 pound total and I'm 18 weeks along.  I don't know if other people felt like this but I'll just be watching t.v. or doing something when all of a sudden I feel like I'm starving.  It just hits me out of no where!  My dr. said to eat 6 small meals a day so I can try and gain more weight, but we'll see about that!  I'm still working out, walking, and running, so hopefully I won't balloon up with all of this eating I'm doing!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A few visitors

My 4 nieces came to stay with me for a few days.  We had tons of fun!  Thank God my sister was here to help me with them.  We took them to the dog park, cosmic bowling, and swimming to name a few.  Blake left for a few days to my brother's house because he didn't want to be the only guy in the house.  We had a slumber party in my living room and I decided to take some pics of our sleeping arrangement.  I love having them over!  They're coming back in a few weeks and hopefully we can do this more often during the summer!


Went to Kaiser yesterday for a checkup and to find out the sex of the baby....unfortunately the baby was crossing its legs and we couldn't tell!  I couldn't wait any longer so my sister, nieces, and I went to the mall to Fetal Focus to see if the baby had uncrossed its legs.  It took a while, but with a little moving around the tech was able to see that it was a GIRL!  I'm soooo excited.  She said she was certain it was a girl.  I thought it was hard to tell, but my next appointment at Kaiser is in 2 weeks so I will get a confirmation there to make sure it's a girl or they might tell me different.  Either way, I will be happy finally finding out what I'm having so I can start shopping for the baby! Today I'm 18 weeks prego. Almost half way there. Seems to be taking forever but it'll be well worth it!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Lovin the time off

So I'm on my summer break enjoying time off, but there's nothing to do!  I'm done with my masters and not working so it gets a little boring!  I've gone to Glen Ivy, the beach, laid out, shopping, etc, but I'm still bored.  Hopefully when my nieces get out of school I can have them over more often and take them to the water park which is right by my house.  My other nieces are coming out this weekend to stay with us for a few days so that should be fun.

We find out the sex of the baby on Monday.  I'm super excited!  Blake, my sis, my bro, and I all think it's going to be a boy.  I would LOVE to have a girl because everyone has boys, but a boy would be cool too so when I do have a girl she has a big brother.  All of my other friends thinks it's going to be a girl.  The Chinese calendar thingy said a girl and so did the dangly necklace trick.  We'll see...either way, I'll be the happiest person ever!

Still no news on my teaching job.  No one in my district knows anything.  I secretly hope I don't get called back so I can stay at home.  Shhhhh, don't tell Blake!!