Monday, November 29, 2010

First trips

Savannah's first trip out was to Costco.  She did great.  She does pretty well in the car.  We also took her to Target, which she will soon find out is one of our favorite places!

Greg's home

My brother Greg is home from Afghanistan for about 2 weeks.  He's been gone for 7 months and has to go back for another 7 months.  It was nice having him home for Thanksgiving!

Greg and Becky

First Bath

Grandma Helen, Michelle, and Denise, came over for her first official bath.  She did pretty good, but at the end decided to give us a surprise poo.  It was hilarious! 

Savannah's Arrival

Here's the story,

 On Monday the 8th, I went to dinner with my sister and my best friend Danielle.  I started having some cramps but they weren't bad and I've been feeling little cramps for the past couple of weeks.  After dinner, I went home and around 1030, they started getting a bit stronger.  I started keeping track of the contractions and they were happening about every 10 minutes or so.  Around 2 am,  (the 9th) they started to get stronger and coming quicker so we went to the hospital.  When I get there they checked me and said I was in active labor and only 2 cm dilated and sent me home.  I came home and slept for a few hours and around 1:00pm, the pain was too much so we went back to the hospital.  When I got there, they checked me again and I was dilated at a 6!!  I asked for the epidural ASAP because it HURT!!  After about an hour, I FINALLY got the epidural and it was the best thing EVER! I started pushing around 430ish and Savannah was born at 5:29pm on November 9th, 2010.  She weighed 7lb 11oz and was 21 in long.  It was the best feeling ever holding her for the first time!  I was instantly in love!

Waiting for her arrival
 Her first picture
 Our little Family