Monday, November 29, 2010

First trips

Savannah's first trip out was to Costco.  She did great.  She does pretty well in the car.  We also took her to Target, which she will soon find out is one of our favorite places!

Greg's home

My brother Greg is home from Afghanistan for about 2 weeks.  He's been gone for 7 months and has to go back for another 7 months.  It was nice having him home for Thanksgiving!

Greg and Becky

First Bath

Grandma Helen, Michelle, and Denise, came over for her first official bath.  She did pretty good, but at the end decided to give us a surprise poo.  It was hilarious! 

Savannah's Arrival

Here's the story,

 On Monday the 8th, I went to dinner with my sister and my best friend Danielle.  I started having some cramps but they weren't bad and I've been feeling little cramps for the past couple of weeks.  After dinner, I went home and around 1030, they started getting a bit stronger.  I started keeping track of the contractions and they were happening about every 10 minutes or so.  Around 2 am,  (the 9th) they started to get stronger and coming quicker so we went to the hospital.  When I get there they checked me and said I was in active labor and only 2 cm dilated and sent me home.  I came home and slept for a few hours and around 1:00pm, the pain was too much so we went back to the hospital.  When I got there, they checked me again and I was dilated at a 6!!  I asked for the epidural ASAP because it HURT!!  After about an hour, I FINALLY got the epidural and it was the best thing EVER! I started pushing around 430ish and Savannah was born at 5:29pm on November 9th, 2010.  She weighed 7lb 11oz and was 21 in long.  It was the best feeling ever holding her for the first time!  I was instantly in love!

Waiting for her arrival
 Her first picture
 Our little Family

Monday, August 9, 2010

Life is Good

I have a job!
I have a healthy baby girl on the way!
I have a pretty cool hubby!
Thank God for all of my blessings!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

6 month pics

So I'm feeling a lot bigger all of a sudden.  I swear that I've popped out like crazy this last month!  If this continues, I'm going to be HUGE by the time she gets here.  Only 3.5 months to go!  Crazy how time is flying by.  Before we know it she's going to be here. She's kicking a lot more and it's getting harder to move around.  I'm starting to feel it in my back now and that's not fun. Doctor said she had long legs and I can definitely feel them on my right side.  We started getting stuff ready for the nursery so hopefully we can finish that soon! 

Friday, July 30, 2010

Nursery Furniture

We finally settled on nursery furniture!  Love the color...should go really good with her room colors which are shades of pinks and browns. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Coco's new steps

I finally found some doggy steps for my little dog Coco.  I looked everywhere but they have ugly ones.  I found this one on a website for $20!  I wish it came in dark wood, but Blake is going to paint it! We bought it for our room because our bed is high and I hate seeing her jump down from it.  She was scared at first but she went up and down it like champ!
 Blake putting it together
Coco did great using it!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

2 years

Today is our two year wedding anniversary! We've actually been together for almost 9 years....that's a long time!  When Blake got home from work we went to Friday's and I LOVE their Jack Daniels steak.  It's soooo yummy. Afterwards we went to get some ice cream then took our furry babies for a walk and now we're going to watch a movie!  I have a pretty awesome hubby.  So glad I found such a great guy!  Here's some pics from our wedding and honeymoon. 
 We took a 7 day cruise
Zip Lining in Puerto Vallarta
Riding these cart thingies on the beaches of Cabo

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I'm feeling the baby move more and more now and I love it.  It's kinda cool, but some of them really do catch me by surprise!  I'm glad I'm able to feel her move around more. I think it's going to be super weird to see a foot or arm poking out.  I still can't believe I'm already half way done...I can't wait for her to get here!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My bday/ 4th of July

I had a great bday this year.  It's on the 4th so we had a BBQ with family and friends at Blake's parents house.  My bestie Danielle gave me the cutest baby clothes for our little girl and Blake's mom gave me the cutest scrap book. (I've noticed that my gifts are gifts for the baby now, lol) Danielle and I decided last minute that we would take her boyfriend to Sacramento for his fire academy.  It was a LONG trip but we had fun!
 You can see my belly bump!

Friday, July 2, 2010

5 months

I'm officially half way done with my pregnancy.  It's going by so fast and I can't wait for my little girl to come already!  I'm so glad we're having a girl because ALL of my friends have boys so she will be one of the only girls but I'm sure she won't mind.  We haven't settled on a name yet but we're thinking it's going to be Savannah. I love that name and it's not very common.  
I started my registries at a few places. I know it's early but my bestie Danielle and I went and we did it.  We have to go back and finish and prob start over and add things, but it was still fun doing it!  One thing that I registered for that I can't wait for her to try out is the Bright Starts Comfort and Harmony Bouncer. I've heard these are great!
I had my nieces over again and we went shopping for our nursery furniture.  We found the biggest bean bag and decided to rest on it.  I love having them come over.  It's always so much fun.  They even have helped me clean out our office and get it ready for it to become the nursery!

I went to the Playboy Mansion for their Kandyland party last Saturday and it was a blast.  It will be my last one for a while.  I still can't believe I went at 5 months prego!  Pics will not be posted of that, lol!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I LOVE Sushi

I absolutely love sushi and since I'm pregnant and I can't get my normal rolls, I've had to settle for different rolls like veggie and other ones.  We went to our fav sushi place called Momo's and I had the Corona Roll and it was soooo yummy!  I think they have the best sushi and we've got to know the owner and she is so nice.  They are always so nice to their customers and know everyone by name.  I can't wait til I can have my regular rolls again. p.s. Can you tell all I ever think about nowadays is food!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Soon to be Father

Since Blake isn't officially a father yet, I still decided to make him dinner.  It came out delicious!  Thanks Ina Garten. I love the foodnetwork and can watch it all day.  I get great ideas that are easy and simple to do and since I'm on break I don't mind cooking more often.  I really haven't been able to celebrate Father's Day since my dad passed away, but my family still gets together in his honor. We love and miss him everyday. 

 We also took the dogs to a park by our house.  They absolutely love any park we take them to, especially Kane. 

Finally Done!

I'm finally done with my masters!!  It was a 3 year program but well worth it.  Took my state test and passed.  Can't wait to start counseling.  It's sad what some kids go through and they have no one to talk to or help them with their problems and I'm glad I can be there to help them with that.
My cap

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I think I'm starting to get cravings.  They're not weird cravings, but when I want something I HAVE to have it!  Lately I've been eating tons of cereal.  I'll wake up at 3:30am to have a bowl.  I don't know why but cucumbers have been another thing I can't stop eating.  Pickles are another fav too.  Blake went shooting with some friends tonight and I'm making him stop at the store and get me some chocolate chip cookies so I can dunk them in milk, lol!  I feel like I'm eating a lot more now.  When I went to my drs. apt she said I'm finally starting to gain some weight. I only gained 2 pounds in my first trimester and now I'm up to 7 pound total and I'm 18 weeks along.  I don't know if other people felt like this but I'll just be watching t.v. or doing something when all of a sudden I feel like I'm starving.  It just hits me out of no where!  My dr. said to eat 6 small meals a day so I can try and gain more weight, but we'll see about that!  I'm still working out, walking, and running, so hopefully I won't balloon up with all of this eating I'm doing!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A few visitors

My 4 nieces came to stay with me for a few days.  We had tons of fun!  Thank God my sister was here to help me with them.  We took them to the dog park, cosmic bowling, and swimming to name a few.  Blake left for a few days to my brother's house because he didn't want to be the only guy in the house.  We had a slumber party in my living room and I decided to take some pics of our sleeping arrangement.  I love having them over!  They're coming back in a few weeks and hopefully we can do this more often during the summer!